RYLA 2018: June 30 - July 3, 2018
Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ

Our Mission:
To unite a team of special individuals and provide ourselves with the most powerful, enjoyable, and memorable leadership training we possibly can.
District 7500 RYLA is an intense and fun-filled four-day leadership training program run by Rotarians and older youth who have demonstrated superior leadership and training skills within RYLA and in their communities. We teach a variety of leadership skills such as team-building, problem-solving, cooperation and communication skills. Our program is designed to help train ethical, visionary leaders; and its loads of fun. District 7500 consists of 40 Rotary Clubs located within Burlington, Monmouth, and Ocean Counties of New Jersey
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is Rotary's leadership training program for young people. In District 7500 (Monmouth, Burlington & Ocean Counties, NJ) RYLA participants are always selected from high school students, usually from Sophomores and Juniors, but sometimes exceptional Freshmen are chosen, and on very rare occasions, high school Seniors have been sent.
RYLA emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to
- Demonstrate Rotary's respect and concern for youth
- Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders
- Encourage leadership of youth by youth
- Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities
District 7500 has been conducting RYLA programs since 1995 and has gained a reputation among Rotarians and educators around the country as one of the best RYLA programs in existence.
There are two main reasons why our program is so exceptional:
First, we truly believe that this is a Youth Leadership program and trust that concept so much that most of our program is delivered and facilitated by our own RYLA graduates. Each year the very best and most enthusiastic RYLA participants try out for a spot on our staff team. Only the very best are selected and they tend to return year after year, getting better and better with each year's experience.
We firmly believe that nothing in the world is perfect; which is great! Because that means everything in the world can be improved. And every little aspect of everything. We spend many, many hours each year examining our program in minute detail, to find as many ways to improve it as we can. Every year we implement dozens - if not hundreds - of improvements to make our program better in myriad ways.
Go to www.RYLA7500.org to apply today.
- Solicit nominations from MHS/MFS Guidance Counselors and Interact Advisors;
Select participants to attend Annual June Conference - Coordinate participants’ paperwork, housing and transportation to/from Conference.
- Organize visitation by participants at Club meeting after event.